Out of all the organic matter on our planet I would like to be a tree. Trees grow deep and high at the same time. They can be the tallest, heaviest and mightiest of all. They can live the longest, existing for over thousands of years. They keep the soil from slipping away, they protect from heavy winds, their raw materials have many applications, and they give us rain and provide homes for animals, insects, birds and humans alike. They provide food, medicine, bring healing and give us life by providing oxygen. They never retaliate when we do them evil. They are always patient making the best of their place of birth.

Why can’t I take on the qualities of a tree? Consider this, they live so long and do all they do this because they use less energy. While we can’t stay stable long enough to get the best out of our opportunities. We constantly move around trying to get more, yet still being so dissatisfied. We are forever anxious never patient. Small plants grow quickly but fades away first.

We are wired to make the best of our short time span.

Life So Far…

Who is it that you desire to Be? What is the life that you wish to be leading? For many of us, there is a fantasy life that we tuck away in the most private corners of ourselves, labeling it as ‘unrealistic’ or ‘childish’; not realizing how possible it is to take these dreams and breathe life into them. The difference between a dream and a reality can be found within the mind: that taken-for-granted, yet all-powerful part of our selves that can take formless matter and create tangible and visible miracles.



Life has taught me many things, but the most powerful lesson I have ever opened myself to has been the power of my mind. For every great thing that I have achieved in my lifetime there has been a starting point; a decision taken, and an action persistently followed. Therein lies my greatness, and therein lies yours too.

At an early age I learnt that life can be unpredictable, and that sometimes those we trust most can let us down in the most hurtful of ways. Left to parent myself when I was still a child, I was forced to consider how I would survive; not just for that day, but for my lifetime. Left to my own devices I faced a very brutal realization, there was no Saviour coming to rescue me, so it was up to me to save myself.

I came to understand that the world owes me nothing, because I came to earth with . If you are born with hands that work, the capacity to move, the ability to think, and legs and eyes and fingers in good working order, you have already been supremely Blessed.

So I asked myself, “What will you do with your blessings?”



I came to understand that my survival and my success would be my responsibility and no one else’s. There was absolute power for me in that realization, because in understanding that there was no-one responsible for my success, it freed me from the fear of failure.

Then I decided. I decided to shape my life to suit my desires; and in that decision came a paradigm shift…it was my “Aha” moment.

I realized that I had the power to create – and that creation is not an overnight process. In the same way that life takes time and care to develop successfully, whether it is a child within a mother’s womb, or a seed buried in the earth, so too do dreams take time to become reality.


what is scheed up to


The old adage “patience is a virtue” is one of the most overlooked and powerful life lessons. We have become addicted to “quick fixes”. Cell phones make contact instantaneous, emails have replaced “snail mail”, but in this comes the potential loss or blurring of one of the most valuable lessons I have learnt. Success takes dedicated and committed work.

I have learnt that Time can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you use it. With time comes the ability to create all things; but creation can never be an overnight process. Left on my own at a young age it occurred to me that shaping my life would take time, and that growing up would not be an overnight process. So I chose to use that time wisely, reminding myself that if you stick to something long enough, with passion, determination and vision, you will succeed.

Time therefore became my biggest obstacle, but even more importantly, it became my greatest ally.

Who Cares about the Tertiary Educated

For years I have seen, tertiary education placed on the back burner to compensate for low literacy rates in high schools and primary schools. I have nothing against primary and secondary education, just to clear the air, but someone has to say something and say it soon.

Since the start of the 2000s there has been a plethora of colleges and universities popping up all over Jamaica. To walk the streets of Kingston will make my point as obvious as day. For each of these colleges there are hundreds of graduates being produce, almost like a manufacturing plant.Every one who can afford it, or can get a loan to foster it, is trying to get an education and in fact a tertiary level of competency. Should their crave and commitment to higher eduction be a prison or an albatross around their necks. My mother dropped out of high school at the eight grade level, had 8 children  but coached and worked her way to the point where she could enter a college and obtain a degree. She is now a trained teacher, that’s something to commend and be proud of, but, our society causes us to feel as if our achievements aren’t worth anything.

In the past  there was not much care for tertiary level education as mostly everyone, I guess was confident in the secondary level education they had. As long as you had 3 or more subjects inclusive of Maths and or English then you were ok but there was a drawback with that as it was never easy for persons to matriculate into higher positions as they weren’t qualified. Now things have changed, and there are now so many qualified but still unable to attain jobs in the areas of qualification. Those who were in the positions are still there, though most of the work force is underqualified no one has/ will make way for the trained. Why? One might ask . The reason is, with an underqualified work force you can underpay personnel while still over working them. It’s a cruel position very plantocratic but no one except for the disenfranchised will chose to admit the fact. As time changes things remain the same.

It is believed by many that, these people now have a tertiary education and unlike the illiterate, undereducated and unemployable they are able to think. This is true and a point taken. It is believed that since this is so true they should be the ones to initiate and establish our industries, to this again I say, and so will many others, this is true. But, in light of these truths comes the reality most of these trained personnel are inexperienced and unable to get the experience needed to follow through with that thought. For most Tertiary educated, being that most of this grouping are youths without any collateral to their names, it is very hard to get a loan to start-up a business and even if they are able to acquire these loans they are unable to pay them back . That point highlights a point close to heart which is the Student Loan Bureau but not enough space to elaborate.

To conclude, where do we go from this crossroads.  The government must continue on its/ their path to developing  the country’s education and the upgrading of the institutions created to allow the unemployable, uneducated and disenfranchised citizens of this country a productive place in society. With this the government as well as the private sector needs to realize the reservoir of talents, skills, culturally rich and academically advanced resource it has in those who have gone through the tertiary levels of education. For too long these gifted and academically cultured beings have been left to warm corner walls, living room sofas and fluff pillows. The need is obvious for policies to be established which speak tothe fostering of development within this portion of society. Not only should policies arise but there should be the instituting of such along with private sector initiatives to advance these persons experiences so they can matriculate. As wel,l our banks and loan agencies must realize the investments they will make when they contribute to the process of helping these minority group with the funding to start-up their business. Well all need to play our part in advancing the welfare of our brothers/sisters, community, nation and in turn the whole Human Race

Ainsworth Case                                                                                                            Scheed International

>Becoming Conscious

>Becoming aware of my place in the world opened my eyes to the fact that I am one with everything around me down to the atomic level. The same energy and vibration that moves through me moves through everything else. Also in my gene held the blue print of all the generation of the past and present and future of humanity. Everything is everything, I am you and you are me I am the rocks and the trees I am the fire and the water.

To understand myself I must understand everything else, and to understand everything I must understand myself. A single cell from my body holds the blue print that is all me yet it does not carry out all the function that makes me, me. The cell works independently but yet as a whole. In the same way we carry around the blue print of all the evolution of man, which includes skills, knowledge attitudes and behaviors.

We are also connected on a spiritual and psychological level. We can feel each other vibrations and we connect to each other flow of energy as we connect to the internal flow and the flow of the earth and the cosmos.
Scheed Cole